Friday, February 1, 2008

Tapping Into Revolutionary Teenage Energy

After the Montpelier Energy Team meeting the Duke Energy representatives kindly took us out to dinner at Main Street Bar and Grill (run by the New England Culinary Institute - where I got a local cow on a locally-baked bun, haha!). So what do you talk about with highly educated "important" people in the energy world? kids. facebook. myspace.

I told them about the Vermont Sustainable Heating Initiative led by a group of extremely passionate students. I told them about the meeting on Sunday and about the fire in each of them. And Jock Gill said something to the effect of

"There's something happening in the younger generation today that hasn't happened since the 60's."

This reminded me of the cartoon I saw a while ago of a teenager talking to his father saying, "You just had a war to protest. We've got to save the world!"

But in all seriousness I believe this is true ~ the kids are more motivated than other generations and they're less bound by red-tape, less disillusioned, and I find it exhilerating to be the go between for the younger people. I am the doorway between an explosion of fresh ideas and energy and the real world. It's terrifying and wonderful ~ mmm I hope it lasts! :) haha.

1 comment:

beagley said...

Do you have an opinion on Duke, overall?

I think they are a big part of my 401k.
