Sunday, February 10, 2008

Aiding the Switch to Biomass for Multiple Demographics

One of the comments we received from Rob Ide of the Clean Energy Development Fund is that our proposal would be stronger if we could address in it how to reach multiple economic demographics. Our proposed tax on fossil fuel would help aid low income folks make the switch, but then how do you encourage more wealthy people to switch? Up until today our ideas have been basically educate them. If they know they'll make their money back in 5 years or less, who wouldn't do it?

But another possible answer today came from my dad. Tax credits for those who switch to pellet stoves from fuel oil burners. That way those with the capital will want to switch. I hope the Governor will like this solution.

Coupling tax breaks for those who switch voluntarily with a tax on fossil heating fuels to aid the low-income switch (those without the up front capital) makes our proposal tasty to both parties.


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